Padaria Central

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Contact person: Padaria Central
+351282763994 [email protected]

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Founded in 1926, the Central Bakery, Flor dos Paposecos, located in a building of interesting centenary architecture, has belonged to the Amélio family for some generations. In this old and traditional bakery, Gilberto Amélio, a baker by vocation and devotion, baked the bread in a wood oven and made delicious greaves and small truffles covered with sugar, with a hint of lemon and fennel.

In 1975, his only son Adelino Alberto Amélio succeeded him, who remodeled and expanded the manufacturing area, bringing some modernity to the establishment.

In the 1980s, his wife Teresa Maria Sousa Dias, who had a great entrepreneurial spirit, introduced her own manufacture of varied pastries and biscuits, bringing the establishment a new breath of prosperity. Currently, alongside his mother, Paula Amélio ensures "new blood", initiative and ambition.

The Central Bakery is known for its famous salty and sweet pastry and for its cookies and dry cakes with flavor of almond, coconut and cinnamon. Among other specialties of the house, we highlight the Bolo Rei in its most traditional version or in the most innovative versions, and for Easter foliars, made according to the precept and similar to other times.

At Padaria Central everything is done as in the time of our grandparents, with "shell eggs" and natural ingredients and served in a family atmosphere, where each customer is unique and special.

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Contact person: Padaria Central
+351282763994 [email protected]
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